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Lean Out Your Business Podcast

Nov 28, 2023

Just like having too many tabs open on your internet browser can be overwhelming, having too many tasks and ideas swirling around in your mind can hinder your productivity.

Closing ‘mental tabs’ facilitates smoother transitions and improved focus on new initiatives. As the year comes to a close, it’s the perfect...

Nov 21, 2023

As we approach the new year, thoughts of reinventing ourselves for a more fulfilling life is top  of mind for many of us.

If you are in the process of reframing your business strategy, you know this is a long process with no quick fixes. Assessing current strategies and asking pertinent questions to steer your business...

Nov 14, 2023

 It's our 150th episode! Help me celebrate by following and leaving a review. 

This episode is all about building WEALTH.

Financial literacy isn't just about numbers; it's about shaping your financial decisions to complement the life you envision. As entrepreneurs, understanding this truth becomes a game-changer.


Nov 7, 2023

Look at your current team members you're closely working with and ask yourself: “Are your team members amplifiers or detractors? Are they bringing out the absolute best in you? Do you feel excited, and do you look forward to meeting with them? Or do you end up in a place where you feel completely drained when you meet...